Guide for registration and consultation of connections
All the detail, in our guide
We help you to manage requests for new connections with e-distribución

In e-distribución, we have prepared a complete guide to help you manage requests for new supply connections more efficiently and quickly. In addition, this guide will also help you to know how to consult the status of the requests that you have made by optimizing this management and its result.
On the e-distribución website your connection procedures are more agile and simple. Discover the main services available for the procedures for new connections to the grid: simulate and request your new supplies, their expansion and your self-consumption or generation connections, you can also monitor, manage and pay your requests online. All in a single website:
Manual for web-based connection management
We provide you with this manual on the processing of connection requests in the private area of our website to resolve your doubts and easily manage your requests.
Have you not yet registered as an user?
Private area
Register and manage
If you need to make requests for connections through our private area, you must be registered, and so, with your user, you will be able to manage your requests and access all the services available for their management.
Video tutorial
Request for a new supply with several properties from the web
Access the video that we have prepared in which we show you an example of how to make a request for a new supply with several properties from the private area of our website.