Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience 2021

We are fostering the grid digitalization with the call known as Digitalización de las redes eléctricas.

View of the skyline of a technologically developed and energy efficient city

In 2021, we have proposed eligible investments in projects to be co-funded (50%) with the European Union by 62M€ in the scope of the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, in the Digitalización de las redes eléctricas section. Among others, in grid monitoring and grid advanced automation systems.

These investments play part of the grid digitalization, which will enable the achievement of our ambitious national decarbonization targets.

Digitalization of electricity grids in the Plan Nacional de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR)

The National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) sets the following targets by 2030: 42% of the final energy use should come from renewable energy sources, and 74% of the electricity should be produced also by renewable energy sources.

In this context, electricity grids are key in the achievement of these targets, but this requires their upgrade and digitalization. The grid digitalization enables the engagement of customers in the decarbonization of the generation mix and the development of new electromobility solutions. 

Due to the importance of the electricity grids in the national energy transition planning defined in the NECP, in the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia sent to the European Comission, the 8 Component: ‘Infraestructuras eléctricas, promoción de redes inteligentes y despliegue de la flexibilidad y el almacenamiento’ supportz investments to achieve this upgrade of the electricity grids.

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