Technology at the service of the distribution grid
We maintain and improve our network using all kinds of innovative technologies
Always, to guarantee the safety and quality of supply

Every summer, edistribución fine tunes and upgrades its distribution grid using innovative technologies to guarantee the safety and quality of supply. We use cutting-edge technologies to perform these tasks more efficiently.
Drones, the creation of 3D maps, laser sensors or thermographic inspections are only some of the techniques we use during the grid optimization process: high-medium and low-voltage lines, substations, protection and remote control systems, distribution substations, switching points with remote control systems. etc. All of these elements in our grid are inspected on a regular basis and more intensely during the holiday season.
Improved access
We can inspect areas that are hard to access thanks to drones that carry high-resolution cameras. Therefore, we can gather images of the infrastructures with no need to interrupt the supply. In emergency scenarios, they can be used to check the terrain and, in the future, they will be capable of using more hi-tech elements, such as thermographic cameras.
Currently, the thermographic inspections of the high and medium-voltage lines are carried out using infrared cameras mounted on helicopters. This allows elements at a higher temperature than normal to be detected, recording their coordinates and automatically activating the mechanism required to restore the situation back to normal.
Forest clearing
The grid inspection and upgrading tasks include work on the forests through which the distribution line runs. The purpose is to create safety corridors under the lines to minimize the risk of fire. This is achieved by felling, pruning, clearing and removing elements from the area.
One of the new technologies used for these activities is the LIDAR technology (Light Detection and Ranging). This system creates 3D maps of the forests surrounding the electrical grid to check that the distances are correct and detect the points that require intervention, among many other things. This innovative system combines the GPS technology with laser sensors.
The key to our work lies in guaranteeing the continuity of supply and quality of service. It is for this reason that e-distribución invests in new and innovative technologies that help us improve the grid on an on-going basis.